They warn that, in reality, nonsurgical and medical options for fibroid treatment are extremely limited
A fibroid is a benign growth in the womb of a woman and its symptoms commonly include pelvic pain, vagina bleeding which could either be within her cycle or during her menstrual flow when the flow is heavier than normal.
Other symptoms include painful sex, backache, constipation, and infertility.
According to a study published by the U.S-based National Centre for Biotechnology Information, uterine fibroid is the most common disease of women of reproductiveage, affecting 25 percent of African American women at the age of 25 and up to 80 percent African American women by the age of menopause.
The study said it was clear that uterine fibroids are a health disparity issue.
“Globally as well, uterine fibroids are among the most significant diseases of reproductive-age women.
“Despite the magnitude of the problem, nonsurgical and medical options for treatment are extremely limited.
“One reason for the limited treatment options is that funding for research on uterine fibroids has been sparse in comparison to the scope of the problem.
“Uterine fibroids are wholly deserving of research effort because investments will also inform the disciplines and fields of tumor biology, angiogenesis, mechanical signaling, fibrosis, and genetics.
“Consider for a moment that uterine fibroids frequently grow many centimeters in size but only very rarely will metastasize.
“Thus, investment of resources will pay dividends not only for the understanding of uterine fibroids but also for many pathophysiologic states and other fields of medicine,” the study noted.
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