Monday, July 3, 2017

Kenyan University Lecturers Return To The Streets

Three months after their last strike, Kenya's university lecturers have again taken to the streets in the capital Nairobi today.

The lecturers are protesting at the government's failure to implement an agreement for their pay review.

In March the government entered into an agreement with the university dons after signing a collective bargaining agreement to pay them over $96m (£74m) in salary increments.

The secretary general of the Kenya university staff union said the government had not yet honoured its promise despite the agreement that the pay rise would be effected by 30 June.

The lecturers have vowed to continue with their strike despite Education Minister Fred Matiangi saying that the government was willing to pay.

The lecturers are demanding to be paid in full while the government has proposed paying in installments.

The last time round the lecturers boycotted classes for two months.

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